Saturday, June 29, 2013

Eagle to the Pig Factory!

The above swine slaughterhouse is only five miles away, but I have not come out here on the Eagle because the roads to it are about as bad as they get over here in Ireland. However, since this is the safest and  quietest way for me to get to Westport, a lively bicycle hub for the Great Western Greenway,  I decided  the gusset Pawel Guba welded around the inside of my 
rim was now ready for the ultimate acid test. 

Result: the wheel rolls true after the ten miles of punishment the bike endured !!

Those of you who have been following the trouble I have been having over with keeping 
the Eagle rolling will be pleased to know that my bike is finally  riding G R E A T!! 

btw: Off in the distance, in the center of the photo above, the smokestacks you see remind me of the concentration camp settings one can find in Germany...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

German Cycle Seniors in Ireland

This couple, clearly in their 60's or early 70's were headed to
Westport when I caught up to them. From Germany,  they showed me on their guide book
that they were looking for camping  at Loch Lannagh. I turned them around and, complete with a shortcut they cold not have known, rode them the several miles  back to the lake.

I really wanted to learn more about them and their trip but their English was so limited, and they were so anxious to get settled for the evening,  that I wished them the best and rode off in search of more miles. I knew from all my long tours, that the little bit I helped them, made a big difference for them and the enjoyment of their ride!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Last Day of a Rare Week in Ireland

The warmth and the sun have been atypical here in Ireland. I began the last day of a week in the high 60's and low 70's with a ride around Loch Lannagh.

At the above rock wall, I took a short break.

It was here that I enjoyed an energy bar and drank a smoothie...

Up the road, on the other side of the hedge, they were making hay in the sunshine!

The above needs to be framed. The upcoming week promises temps in the high 50's 
and all but one day of rain as normal summer weather returns to Ireland.......

Behind the Green Door - How to Really See Ireland

Hedges line a great number of roads here in Ireland. Many 
are as tall as six feet and can run for mile on end. 
They are such an aggressive part of the landscape that they 
even have special equipment to keep them at bay
per the following post:

Road Haircuts - Keeping the Irish Travelways Clear
Because there is so much green exploding from everywhere, this is how the Irish keep many of  their roads clear:
What's behind them? 
The Eagle knows!
The above is what Ireland often looks like 
to the average motorist. I say this because, on my 
recumbent, my field of vision is the same as that 
of a car driver...

Below is what the the same hedge looks like when
 I am on the Eagle HiWheel.
A whole new world open up for me when I am eight feet above the road per the above and below!! 
I can see over hill and and dale and beyond!!
(that's my shadow in the bottom left, above)