Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Too Cold (or dark) for Pictures ......

On a 36 degree day, only myself and the postman were out in the elements. I took this picture not far from where I began my 7-mile  ride.  It has been so frigid here of late that when I do get a day ride in, I'm usually too  cold by the time I have a few miles in my legs to stop and take a photograph. Or for that matter, while I am still on the bike, I don't want to expend the extra energy needed to reach into my pocket for my  camera phone.

The above should explain why you see so few pictures of Ireland in here any more. All compounded by the fact that my Mayors' Ride work and Cayo find me getting my miles in the dark.....

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Castlebar Mayor to Send Padraig Marrey to Dublin for Mayors' Ride Start

Rolled by Castlebar Mayor Brendon Henaghan's (pictured with his son, Tom) health food store to
firm up the location  for  the send off ceremony we are doing for Padraig Marrey on Fri. April 26, when Padraig leads a team of cyclists 160 miles to Dublin City Hall the following day. We determined that Castlebar City Hall would be the best way to give face to Brendon's town and its connection to the Great Western Greenway. Tho, the world class bikeway at nearby Lake Lannagh stands out as a trophy endpoint for the route we foresee from Dublin to the Great Western Greenway, we both agreed that his City Hall was more consistent with the fact that this is a Mayors' Ride.

We also found out on Friday when the Irish Taoseach's (Prime Minister) Castlebar point person, Ger Deere, was in Brendon's store, that Enda will have a proclamation to send Padraig off, but that Enda is not guaranteed for that day. Tho he wants to be there since he is a genuine cyclist, he may be out of the country on official business that day. And yet if he can't make it, Jerry  says he will read Enda's message  into the record.

Btw: Exciting to see that even in Europe, health food stores are going mainstream. The fact that the mayor of a small Irish town  owns one speaks to this fact.